Step by step setup of Sonar Qube :

  1. Download Sonar Qube (ex: sonarqube-6.7)
  2. Download Sonar Scanner (ex: sonar-scanner-cli-
  3. Set Java path for sonar qube by setting Java path in  property in the <SonarQube_Path>\config\wrapper.conf file

  1. Add project details in to <Sonar_Scanner_Path>/conf/
    2. sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8
    3. sonar.projectKey=project_name:app_name
    4. sonar.projectName=PROJECT_NAME
    5. sonar.projectVersion=1.0
    6. sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8
    7. sonar.modules=module1
    8. sonar.sources=src
    9. module1.sonar.projectName=module1
  2. Extract the custom jar to convert the metadata into JS in any path (say: to <Sonar_Scanner_Path>\jar\SourceCode_Extract_V3)
  3. To get above custom jar , mail me at
  4. Say the source code to be covered by sonar is at the path : C:/mani/dev/amx-peru/om/drop2/sprint_3/07-JAVA/core/metadata/
  5. Create empty folder structure at tha path <Sonar_Scanner_Path>\bin\module1\src
  6. To convert then  XML metadata into scan able JavaScript, execute below command.
    1. java -jar SourceCode_Extract_V3.jar C:/mani/dev/amx-peru/om/drop2/sprint_3/07-JAVA/core/metadata/ C:/mani/tools/java/sonar-scanner-cli-
  7. Above command will create the JavaScript metadata corresponding to the given source code in the path <Sonar_Scanner_Path>\bin\module1\src
  8. Start Sonar Qube by executing StartSonar.bat file from the path:<SonarQube_Path>\bin\windows-x86-32
  9. Above command will run the sonar qube engine in 9000 port. We can access it by http://localhost:9000/projects
  10. Start Sonar Scanner by executing sonar-scanner.bat file from the path : <Sonar_Scanner_Path>\bin
  11. On Start,  sonar scanner will scan the project based on the inputs details given in
  12. On Completion of scan, below message is displayed

  1. Scanned result can be accessed through http://localhost:9000/dashboard/index/project_name:app_name


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